

The Value of Uselessness

I’m participating in Plymouth State University’s Cluster Pedagogy Learning Community (CPLC), and this post is a reflection on one of the first activities of the year’s CPLC. For the activity “A Community of Values”, we brainstormed a list of values for our work at a university, how we see ourselves […]

When Students Have Power by Ira Shor

Published almost 25 years ago, Ira Shor’s When Students Have Power: Negotiating Authority in a Critical Pedagogy is a book full of practical ideas that will still be of interest to teachers today. Indeed, it’s depressing how relevant is remains. But this is also no surprise. On the second page […]

Lessons for Higher Ed from the Survival of Independent Bookstores

Another day, another report of an independent bookstore … doing pretty well. After some apocalyptic years, indie bookstores have been having something of a resurgence. This warms my heart, but it has also got me thinking about what, if any, lessons there are for higher education in the perhaps surprising, […]
