
Occasional Writings

For older writings, see the archive of my blog The Mumpsimus (2003-2023)

This page also includes posts originally published at my academic and pedagogy-focused blog, Finite Eyes (2018-2024)

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When It’s Fun to Grade

This morning I was grading work for a 2-credit, half-semester course I teach called Cluster Learning Springboard. While going from one assignment to the next,

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Disciplined Making

In The New Yorker, there is a long and depressing article titled “The End of the English Major” by Nathan Heller, an article that explores

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Academic Integrity?

The ChatGPT handwringing of late has bothered me, not least because it is cloaked in a kind of shock, like the domain of higher education

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The Strength of Kindness

1. Take a moment, settle yourself, and note your immediate emotional response to these words: kindnessjoycontemplationgenerositylovepeace Now think about them in the context of your

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Extending the Mind

This summer, I recommended to everyone I encountered that they take an hour and listen to this podcast conversation between Ezra Klein and Annie Murphy

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