

Pass No Pass

I’ve turned grades in for this term, so now am beginning to think about my first experience teaching Pass/No Pass courses. As I mentioned back in August (a lifetime ago!), all of the courses in the program I work in now are Pass/No Pass, a concept consistent with the program’s […]

Knowing What I Know Now

I woke at 3am with the thought that the classes I’m currently teaching are going terribly. After 20 years of teaching, I’m familiar with this feeling, particularly with classes I’ve never taught before. We’re nearly half-way through the term, and it’s usually then that I start waking up in the […]

Assigning a Bad Book, Actively

At the Chronicle of Higher Education’s Lingua Franca blog, linguist Geoffrey Pullum declares, “We should not be sending students to a text as myopic and antiquated as The Elements of Style, not in any edition.” Pullum has written extensively about the failures of The Elements of Style before, and I have no […]
