

Blackwood’s Greenwood: “The Man Whom the Trees Loved”

Algernon Blackwood (1869-1951) is best known today for two short stories, “The Wendigo” and “The Willows”, both considered among the best works of horror, supernatural, or weird fiction in English. Not far behind those in reputation are a couple of his stories of the occult detective John Silence (especially “Ancient Sorceries”). Beyond […]

Sin, Ecstasy, Liberation: Arthur Machen’s “The White People”

Arthur Machen’s short story “The White People” remains a masterpiece and perhaps his most difficult work of fiction — what Absalom, Absalom! is for Faulkner, what Finnegans Wake is for Joyce, “The White People” is for Machen. Though Machen wrote the story when Joyce was a teenager and Faulkner a toddler, its challenges […]

13 Streaming Horrors of October

October is the best month. Though, as the month of my birthday, it is one of the more expensive months of the year for me (mostly because of car registration and inspection), it is also LGBTQ+ History Month and the month of Halloween, giving us an excuse (as if we needed […]
